Help Us Jump to
Our Next Scene!
Since 2011, our organization has worked tirelessly to create and support a community of film lovers who appreciate the power of cinema to foster dialogue, increase civic participation, and enjoy uncompromising artistic value. Our programs bring visibility to under-represented groups, to vital community organizations, and other non-profits in our vibrant city.

What we do has always been about bringing people together for moments that transform, entertain, and engage audiences. Time and again we hear from our members and supporters about a particular film or event that they will truly never forget. Carpenter Fest! The Mads Are Back! Our Annual Twin Peaks Party! Janu-Scary! Countless independent films!

Now, in order to keep making those memorable moments we need your help. Without a day-to-day permanent venue, it is difficult to generate the revenue streams necessary to fulfill operating expenses. We are at a critical moment where we need your support to keep planning towards our goal of opening a new independent movie theater.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Jump Cut Theater to support the films and programs you love. Your support now means we can continue to make moments for those who enjoy eclectic, unique, one-of-a-kind film experiences. There is a rich tradition of film culture here in Pittsburgh and its surrounding regions. Not only in production, but also in independent exhibition --- from the earliest commercial cinemas, or Nickelodeons downtown -- to beloved venues like the Pittsburgh Playhouse, King's Court in Oakland, or the Fulton Theater.
Join our community of film lovers, and help bring people together to enjoy the feeling of community shared through he art of good cinema. Please make a donation today in support of great indie cinema. THANK YOU!
Susan Mazur
Board President
Jump Cut Theater
Donations can be mailed to:
Jump Cut Theater
PO Box 10400
Pittsburgh PA 15234

(What We Do in the Shadows, The Beatles: Eight Days a Week, etc.)
With all the recent changes in the Pittsburgh arts landscape, including the loss of independent theaters, and the growing trend of countless streaming services, it feels like we are at a crossroads. We KNOW that audiences want a place to gather, to see and be seen, where your voices are heard, and you are not treated simply like numbers in a spreadsheet.
Your support for independent cinema is needed now more than ever!
Jump Cut Theater is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.